The AMT EFT Master Practitioner Course takes the developments from the last 15 years of EFT worldwide and brings them together so that the student can experience
a clear, logical, direct and powerful way to resolve problems with EFT Emotional Freedom Techniques.
The successful student will hold the AMT EFT Master Practitioner Certification and can choose to become either a Standard Member or Professional Member of The AMT.
Professional Members will be included in the public register to this effect.
Since EFT Emotional Freedom Techniques was first introduced, much has been learned about the cause-and-effect relationships between energy, emotions and how
people think, feel and do. Indeed, it was the practice of EFT itself which led the way to many new discoveries about the basic principles of "how people work."
Bringing together these discoveries with the practical experience of EFT in the field, the new AMT EFT Master Practitioner course is the first major update on
the theory and practice of EFT Emotional Freedom Techniques since 1999.
Based on the new 2012 AMT EFT Certification Trainings Programs and containing additional exercises for the Distance Learning Student, this course contains the
most up to date and comprehensive methods, techniques and structures for mastery in EFT.
Featuring many paradigm shifting approaches, techniques and brand new methodology, the NEW AMT EFT Master Practitioner is information rich, exciting and
engaging, bringing the promise and spirit of EFT to life in whole new way.
This course also includes many opportunities for the student to work with their own energy reversals using new techniques, new protocols and new exercises.
EFT Master Practitioners walk their talk!
My Skills Include;
Confidence Expert, Author, Coaching, Life Coaching, Spiritual Coaching, Holistic Coaching,
NLP Coaching, LGBT Coach, Coach Latino, HIV Mentor, Mentoring, NLP - Neuro-Linguistic Programming, EFT - Emotional Freedom
Techniques, Tapping, Positive EFT, Energy EFT, EMO - Energy in Motion, Creative Visualisation, Matrix Reimprinting, Creative
Writing, Creativity Skills, Personal Development Skills, Professional Development Skills, Spiritual Development Skills,
Modern Stress Management Facilitator, Reiki Master & Teacher, Seichem Master & Teacher, Crystalline Reiki Healing Master & Teacher,
Reflexologist, AMT Trainer, EFT Trainer, Positive EFT Trainer, EMO Trainer, Modern Stress Management Trainer, EFTMRA Trainer of EFT Level 1,
EFT Level 2 & Advanced EFT - EFT Level 3, NLP Trainer at NLP Diploma, NLP Practitioner and NLP Master
Practitioner Levels, Leadership and Management Training, Business Coach, Business and Corporate Trainer.
My Qualifications;
Mr Jorge Vence CMgr MCMI, MInstLM, MGHT, MAMT, TAMT; Reiki Master Practitioner / Teacher with Independent Reiki Master
Practitioner / Teacher Kathy Lockyear, Fifth Dimension Healing with Independent Master Practitioner / Teacher Kathy Lockyear, Seichem Master
Practitioner / Teacher with independent Master Practitioner / Teacher Kathy Lockyear, Crystal Healing, S.N.H.S Dip., Reflexology L3, The Cottage
Training Centre, Hythe, Make-up Artistry, with International Make-up Artist Sue Alexander C.I.D.E.S.C.O, NVQ L3 in Catering and Hospitality,
City & Guilds, Skin care product knowledge, with award winner Dr Xavier Goodarzian, of Xavier's Clinic, Southampton, NLP - Neuro Linguistic
Programming, S.N.H.S Dip., NLP Practitioner with The NLP School London with Robert Steinhouse Master NLP Practitioner & Teacher; NLP Practitioner
Coach with IANLPC, ILM Approved Centre, AAMET Advanced Practitioner L3 EFT - Emotional Freedom Techniques, Matrix Reimprinting using EFT, with Karl
Dawson EFT Master Practitioner, EFTMRA Advanced EFT Practitioner, EFTMRA Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner, GoE Positive EFT Practitioner, GoE Energist,
GoE EFT Master Practitioner, GoE Certified Trainer at Foundation, Positive EFT and EFT Master Practitioner Levels, EFTMRA Trainer in EFT Levels 1, 2 and
3, NLP Master Practitioner, The Lazarus Consultancy, NLP Trainer, GoE Accredited Certificate as Modern Stress Management Facilitator and Trainer (including
MSM Foundation), Project Sanctuary Master, EMO (Energy in Motion) Master Practitioner, EMO Trainer, Supermind Master, Supermind Trainer.